My advice on market entry and contact initiation focuses on the development or adaptation of your business model for the new market, including analysis of customer groups, market segments and competitors. With the help of my network in some African countries, in Eastern Europe, in Central Asia and in the MENA region, I can introduce you to suitable sales, marketing partners and potential clients. Further, I consult companies on the requirements for market entry in Europe.

Market analysis and market entry
Changes are constantly happening on the world economic stage – established markets are seeing reduced demand or trade restrictions, while new markets emerge. The step into future markets holds great potential, but also risks. In times of digital communication, e-commerce and platform economy, market potential can be analyzed faster and with less resources. If you have already decided to enter a certain new market or to expand your activities in a target country, we will work out possible market strategies including effort and costs calculation. I will explain government funding programs that support SMEs in market entry – e. g. with information events and market exploration trips.

Strategy and business model development
Once the target market is selected and the relevant market segments analyzed, it is time to set up a specific strategy to enter the market. This includes marketing and sales channels, methods and style of customer communication, frameworks for business partners and much more. The defined goals and measures should be aligned with realistic time frames to be able to successfully manage the expectations of all stakeholders. Foreign companies often underestimate, how much time and effort it takes to enter the European market. Too little importance is also often attached to the monitoring and success evaluation of the market entry project. I also support you in defining goals for your employees and partners and in setting up a hands-on monitoring system.

B2B-contacts and matchmaking
Would you like to export your technology to a certain region, but you don’t have a local technical sales and service partner? Do you need legal or marketing experts in the target country? Or are you looking for raw material suppliers, HR service providers and specialists? With my extensive network, I can provide you with important contacts for market entry and development – especially in Eastern Europe, Central Asia, the MENA region and East Africa. I have mostly met business representatives of these regions in the context of development cooperation programs and therefore know their interest and objectives in internationalization. In addition, I will explain state and development cooperation funding programs that support your step into new markets.