
Lecturing in GISMA Inter. School for Management

Financier: GISMA International School for Management / Kingston University

Lecturing of the module “International Business Environment & International Trade Law and Documents” for international students with blended learning, practicing with case studies, grading students’ papers

Training on German/EU IT Market – IT SEctor Tunisia

Financier: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Implementer: Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Partner: Deutsche Management Akademie Niedersachsen gGmbH

Training program for Tunisian IT service providers on how to enter the German / EU IT market, including conceptualization of the training, participants’ selection & evaluation as a team leader

Import Promotion Desk Uzbekistan – Project Planning

Financier: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Implementer: Sequa gGmbH

Development of an Import Promotion Desk (IPD) Hub in Uzbekistan to increase exports of natural ingredients to EU including evaluation of stakeholder demands, conception of service portfolio, planning of cooperation methodology

Virtual Training for East African Fair Organizers

Financier: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Land Niedersachsen

Implementer: Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Partner: Deutsche Management Akademie Niedersachsen (DMAN) gGmbH

Virtual training for East African business membership organizations and trade fair organizers on implementation of digital trade fairs, digital marketing & project management

Virtual Project Implementation Western Balkans

Financier: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Implementer: Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Partner: Public One GmbH

Capacity building and consulting of GIZ staff and partner organizations in shifting to virtual implementation for project “Preventing Trafficking in Human Beings in the Western Balkans (PaCT) and Social Rights for Vulnerable Groups (SoRi II)”

Business Model for Female Entrepreneurs Tanzania

Financier: German Federal State of Lower Saxony

Partner: Deutsche Management Akademie Niedersachsen (DMAN) gGmbH

Virtual training on business planning, value proposition, digital marketing, leadership, development of business and pricing models for the Tanzanian female entrepreneurs

Capacity Building Public Administration Uzbekistan

Financier: German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Implementer: Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

Partner: VDI/VDE IT GmbH

Capacity Building for the National Academy of Public Administration under the President (APA), Development of Teaching Case Studies and Train of Trainers on cluster and innovation

Leadership Trainings for Managers of Iranian SME

Financier: Private Sector Iran & Teheran Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Partner: Deutsche Management Akademie Niedersachsen gGmbH

Training of Iranian managers and employees of the Chamber of Commerce on leadership, communication & motivation and conflict management

Cross-Cluster-Camp Berlin and Brandenburg

Financier: Economic Development Agency Brandenburg (WFBB) & European Union

Partner: Public One GmbH

Conceptualization, planning and moderation of the forum for matchmaking of public institutions, companies and research institutions of different regional clusters

Face-to-face event in 2019, hybrid event in 2020, face-to-face event in 2022

Strategy Consulting for a German Textile Retailer

Financier: German private company (textile retailer) & German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control

Partner: BerlinerStrategen GmbH

Consulting on procurement and cooperation with Mongolian suppliers, marketing strategy, process optimization, public and private financing

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